16 Weeks in Scotland

Saturday, September 02, 2006

arteries . . . hardening . . . more cream, please

So, yesterday, I had this amazing pastry from Ford's bakery in Dalkeith; it was like a regular donut, covered in sugar (bad enough) but they split it in half and filled it with cream!!! Then, they squirted a little raspberry jam in the top hole. OHMIGOD!!!! Luckily, I'd walked into town and back twice AND around the grounds for over an hour before I ate it.



  • "Mr. Dee's, Mr. Dee's OHHH Mr. Dee's - I can't wait to hear the "Ford" doughnut theme song!

    I feel like we should send you costumes. A fancy empire (ahm-peer) dress and tiara to wear while you stroll the grounds with a poetry book.

    I don't know if that doughnut sounds delicious or not. There's so much going on inside it...it sounds more French than Scottish.

    Sending love and a little bit of envy your way.


    By Blogger Kristopher Shaw, Director, at 11:01 AM  

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